The Benchwarmers is a hilarious
movie about three guys (Gus, Clark, and Richie and a little bit of Howie)
started a baseball team. Those three guys verse a full team of kids. They all
had bully problems when they were kids, but mostly in junior high. They started
the team because they saw a kid getting bullied on a baseball field. The kid
was the son of a billionaire. They helped kids around the continent by
broadcast. Gus was a landscaper. His wife was ready to start a family, but Gus
was scared that the kids would get bullied on when they get older. Clark was in
a newspaper boy Who was always bullied by people. He has never talked to a girl
besides his mom. His favorite food is macaroni by his mom. And Richie. He works
at a movie store and is related to Howie. Howie is afraid of the sun. In one
part of the movie he starts to eat sun block. Well Gus was a bully in Junior
High. They, the team, kick Gus off the team for being a bully. And at the end
or the movie, Gus’ wife finally got pregnant. Richie is known for funny jokes. here
are some: You’re a good catcher… of doughnuts in your mouth.
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